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Turkey’s Space Projects Spark Reverse Brain Drain

In the latest news from the file titled “Turkey’s Space Walk,” the evaluations of Dede, who has been working at ESA since 2015, regarding Turkey’s National Space Program were highlighted.

Dede, the Space Segment Coordinator of Copernicus, the world’s largest earth observation satellite program developed by ESA under the leadership of the European Commission, at the Space Research and Technology Center in the Netherlands, shared his insights. He also mentioned his previous involvement in space activities in Turkey, including his role in the İMECE Satellite Project and the Space Technologies Commission in the 11th Transport, Maritime, and Communications Council. Dede expressed his desire to return to Turkey and contribute to the country’s space sector, aiming to take Turkey one step further in the field.

Acknowledging the inherent technological risks, long project durations, and high economic investment rate in the space sector, Dede emphasized the importance of mobilizing young talent, the private sector, research institutes, and academia to propel Turkey to a leading position in space by 2030. He commended Turkey’s National Space Program for strategically evaluating the country’s priorities and potential.

Highlighting the value of scientific experiments conducted in the microgravity environment of space, Dede praised the work of Turkey’s astronauts and emphasized the importance of encouraging youth to engage in innovative solutions across various fields.

Dede also stressed the significance of international collaborations in space, citing the benefits of increased technical competence, efficient resource utilization, and knowledge sharing. He advocated for the development of a cooperation model in space to address emerging legal and environmental challenges and to propel Turkey towards success in space exploration.

In conclusion, Dede’s insights underscore the importance of nurturing talent, fostering collaboration, and seizing opportunities for innovation to propel Turkey’s National Space Program towards success in the global arena.



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