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Turkey’s Successes at the NATO Summit: A Recap by Hande Fırat

The recent NATO summit held in Washington has brought about significant developments for Turkey, as reported by Hürriyet Newspaper Ankara Representative Hande Fırat. It was highlighted that Turkey’s priorities were reflected in the final declaration of the summit, indicating a positive outcome for the country.

One of the key announcements was that the next NATO summit after 2025 will be held in Turkey, emphasizing the importance of Turkey within the alliance. Additionally, NATO’s commitment to fighting terrorism, which is a top priority for Turkey, was updated in the final declaration. The decision made at the Vilnius Summit that allies should not impose sanctions on each other was also reaffirmed, aligning with Turkey’s stance on the matter.

In terms of defense spending, Turkey was noted to have met the level determined by NATO, with defense spending at 2 percent of the country’s gross national product. This underscores Turkey’s commitment to its defense obligations within NATO. Furthermore, NATO recognized Turkey’s non-monetary contributions to Ukraine, signaling a positive development in diplomatic relations.

The summit also decided to provide educational support to Ukraine and prepare a long-term security assistance package for the country. A NATO-Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training, and Education Center will be established, with support from allied countries coordinated to ensure effective assistance.

Overall, the NATO summit brought about important decisions and developments that are in line with Turkey’s priorities and contributions within the alliance. This marks a significant step forward for Turkey’s role within NATO and its diplomatic relations with partner countries.



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