
Turkish Cypriots’ Statehood Upheld by Strength and Sacrifice: President Tatar

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has released a message in honor of the 109th anniversary of the Çanakkale Victory.

In his statement, President Tatar highlighted the significance of the victory, which was achieved through the bravery and sacrifice of Turkish soldiers against powerful imperialist forces. He emphasized how the Çanakkale Victory not only inspired other oppressed nations but also served as a source of strength for the Turkish Cypriot People in their struggle for freedom and independence.

Drawing parallels between the determination displayed at Çanakkale and the continued fight for sovereignty in Cyprus, President Tatar reiterated the unwavering commitment to maintaining Turkish heritage and independence in the region. He made it clear that the Turkish Cypriot People will not compromise on their values and will defend their homeland against any threats.

President Tatar also expressed his firm stance on the issue of sovereignty in Cyprus, emphasizing the need for a solution based on cooperation between two equally sovereign states. He stated that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will not entertain negotiations that do not respect its sovereignty and that the people cannot wait another 50 years for a resolution.

As he paid tribute to the Çanakkale Martyrs and all fallen heroes, President Tatar affirmed that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is an integral part of the region and will not be relinquished. Just as Çanakkale remains an indomitable symbol of Turkish resolve, so too does the TRNC stand firm in its commitment to independence and self-determination.



Pools Plus Cyprus

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