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Turkish Grand National Assembly to Consider Cyber Security Presidency Bill

AK Party MPs, led by Group Chairman Abdullah Güler, have successfully completed work on a new bill concerning the establishment of a Cyber Security Presidency. The proposed bill is expected to be submitted to the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly this week, paving the way for the legal framework necessary for the establishment of the Cyber Security Presidency through a Presidential decree.

The bill will detail the organizational structure, duties, powers, and responsibilities of the Presidency, aiming to enhance cybersecurity measures in the country. The Cyber Security Presidency will be directly affiliated with the President and will be responsible for implementing decisions made by the Cyber Security Board, which includes key ministries such as Internal Affairs, Justice, National Defense, Transport and Infrastructure, and Industry and Technology.

One of the key objectives of the Cyber Security Presidency is to work towards strengthening cybersecurity measures and protecting information infrastructures. Additionally, the Presidency will play a crucial role in coordinating efforts between various public institutions to ensure a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity.

Moreover, AK Party deputies are also set to introduce a separate bill this week that will focus on regulations related to industry and technology, further demonstrating the government’s commitment to enhancing cybersecurity measures in the country.

Overall, the establishment of the Cyber Security Presidency will mark a significant step towards bolstering cybersecurity efforts in Turkey and protecting the country’s information infrastructures in an increasingly digital world.



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