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Turkish Parliament on Recess Until October 1st

The Turkish Grand National Assembly has officially announced its decision to go into recess, as published in the Official Gazette. The decision was made during the 110th session of the General Assembly on July 27.

As per the decision, the Turkish Grand National Assembly will be in recess starting from Tuesday, July 30, and will reconvene on Tuesday, October 1 at 15:00. This period of recess allows for members of the assembly to take a break and regroup before resuming their legislative duties in the upcoming session.

During this time, discussions, debates, and legislative work within the Turkish Grand National Assembly will be temporarily suspended. The decision to go into recess aims to provide members with the opportunity to rest and recharge, ensuring that they can return to their duties with renewed focus and energy.

The schedule for the next session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly has been set, and members are encouraged to make the most of the recess period to prepare for the important tasks ahead. Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming session and any potential developments during the recess period.



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