
Turkmendenizderyayollary Agency Specialists Attend Trans-Caspian Transport Corridor Digitalization Seminar

Specialists from the Turkmendenizderyayollary agency recently participated in a seminar focused on the digitalization of the Trans-Caspian transport corridor. The seminar, held in Tbilisi via video link, aimed to generate new ideas and strategies for enhancing the digital aspects of the corridor.

Key discussions at the seminar revolved around the integration of digital technologies in crucial areas such as governance, accountability, and secure data exchange. Participants included representatives from the Association of Trans-Caspian Transport Corridors, the international transport corridor TRACECA, government bodies, and subject matter experts.

The ultimate goal of the seminar was to explore innovative solutions that could advance the digitalization of the Trans-Caspian transport corridor, showcasing the importance of technology in optimizing transportation systems and processes.

As agencies like Turkmendenizderyayollary continue to prioritize digital advancements, collaborations and discussions like this seminar play a crucial role in shaping the future of transportation in the region.


Photo: ru.sputnik.kz


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