
Turkmenistan’s Partnership with the World Trade Organization: Brain Ring Competition

On June 10, 2024, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a brain ring competition titled “Partnership of Turkmenistan with World Trade Organization” in celebration of the Day of Science. The event was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economy, and Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and brought together students from various institutions including the International University for Humanities and Development, Turkmen Agricultural University, and Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, among others.

The competition aimed to deepen the understanding of Turkmenistan’s foreign trade policy among students and identify talented individuals in the field. The jury included prominent figures such as the head of the Department of International Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Atageldi Haljanov, and officials from the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

After a fierce competition, the student teams from the International University for Humanities and Development clinched the 1st place, with Turkmen State Financial Institute and Telecommunications and Informatics Institute of Turkmenistan securing the 2nd and 3rd places, respectively. The winners were awarded valuable gifts and diplomas on behalf of key organizations in Turkmenistan, including the Democratic Party, National Red Crescent Society, and National Center of Trade Unions.

Overall, the brain ring competition was a success in fostering engagement and knowledge sharing among the youth on the topic of Turkmenistan’s partnership with the World Trade Organization.


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