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Turksat 6A Scheduled for Launch Operations in the USA on June 4

Turkey is gearing up to send its latest communication satellite, Türksat 6A, into space in July. Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Abdulkadir Uraloğlu announced that the final packaging processes for the satellite have begun, marking an important milestone in the country’s space technology advancement.

Türksat 6A, developed under the leadership of Türksat and with the support of domestic industrial organizations such as TÜBİTAK Uzay, ASELSAN, TUSAŞ, and CTECH, is a significant project for Turkey. Uraloğlu expressed pride in the successful completion of the country’s largest R&D project, highlighting the high localization rate achieved in its construction.

The technology transfer training program initiated by Türksat played a crucial role in the localization of Türksat 6A, with Türksat engineers participating in the design, production, and testing of previous communication satellites. The satellite is set to be launched from Ankara and transported to the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, USA, where it will undergo fuel tests before its journey to space with SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket.

The production of Türksat 6A marks a turning point for Turkey, as it positions the country as a leading communication satellite manufacturer. With the establishment of domestic capabilities in satellite technology, Turkey now has the potential to export communication satellites built entirely in-country.

Türksat 6A will enhance Turkey’s satellite capacity, providing redundancy for existing satellites and expanding coverage to countries such as India, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The satellite’s geo-fixed position and power capacity of 7.5 kilowatts will cater to various communication needs, including TV broadcasting and wide coverage services.

Minister Uraloğlu emphasized that Türksat 6A will increase the population reached by Turkey’s satellites from 3.5 billion to 5 billion, showcasing the country’s growing influence in the satellite communications sector. The entry of Türksat 6A into service is expected to boost Turkey’s satellite service exports to the region significantly, further solidifying its position in the global space industry.


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