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Two Irregular Migrants from North Africa Die in Canary Islands

Coast Guard teams in the Canary Islands rescued irregular immigrants from a boat that was in distress, but tragically two individuals lost their lives in the process. According to reports from the EFE news agency and local government sources in the Canary Islands, the Coast Guard received a report about a boat carrying irregular immigrants approximately 140 kilometers off the south of the Great Canary Island.

Upon reaching the boat in the morning, the Coast Guard teams found that 2 of the irregular immigrants had sadly passed away. They immediately transferred 15 of the 34 immigrants, who were in very poor health conditions due to hunger and thirst, to the hospital via helicopters. Medical teams were able to successfully revive two teenagers, aged 15 and 16, whose hearts had stopped.

This incident adds to the growing number of fatalities related to irregular migration to the Canary Islands. On March 6, five people lost their lives in similar circumstances in the region, highlighting the dangers faced by those attempting the perilous journey. The Canary Islands continue to be a popular destination for irregular migration, with many risking their lives in search of a better future.


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