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UN Secretary-General Warns Israel’s Attack on Rafah

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, recently discussed his top priorities for 2024 at the UN General Assembly. In his address, Guterres emphasized that peace is at the core of the UN’s existence and is currently the most significant global deficit.

As he assessed the state of the world, Guterres expressed concerns regarding the threats to peace due to growing conflicts and geopolitical divisions. He highlighted the widespread need for peace, security, and a dignified life, stressing that the world is filled with anger and turmoil.

Guterres acknowledged the alarming rise in deadly conflicts, both in terms of physical warfare and wars of ideology and authority. This has become even more concerning in a year where many countries are gearing up for elections.

Additionally, Guterres pointed out the pressing need for reforms in the international financial architecture and multilateral mechanisms. He called for serious reforms in the UN Security Council and discussed the disruptive effects of geopolitical fragmentation.

Emphasizing the urgent need to apply pressure for peace globally, Guterres specifically highlighted the situation in Gaza. He expressed concerns about the collective punishment of the Palestinian people and condemned recent attacks while urging for a humanitarian ceasefire.

Furthermore, Guterres underscored the importance of peace on a planetary level, highlighting the urgency to address hate speech, discrimination, and extremism. He also emphasized the need for greater efforts to address the climate crisis, stating that the era of fossil fuels has come to an end and calling for a global response to limit global warming.

In conclusion, Guterres reiterated the critical importance of peace-building efforts, stating that peace leads to miracles that wars cannot achieve. He pledged to continue pressing for peace, emphasizing that building peace is the greatest responsibility of humanity. His address concluded with an assurance that he would never stop advocating for peace.



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