
Uncovering Traces of Roman Settlements in Hungary: A Photo Journey

Excavation Reveals Roman Village in Pilisszentiván

The recent excavation carried out by the Institute of Archaeology of the ELTE BTK in Pilisszentiván has yielded exciting discoveries. Over a period of two weeks, the picturesque setting became the site of a remarkable find as treasures and buildings of a Roman village were unearthed.

According to the ELTE Institute’s blog, this site is unparalleled in Hungary, as the number of Roman settlements identified in a forest environment is scarce. The village, located in the north-western hinterland of Aquincum, in the surroundings of the Hársas spring, is situated on a natural terrace. Discovered in 2009 by Tamás Marlok, the site has been under exploration since 2014.

This year, events at the site picked up pace, with the Pázmány Péter Catholic University conducting a ground penetrating radar survey, and Lumen Drone Services carrying out an airborne laser surface scanning (LiDAR) at the site. These efforts were aimed at clarifying the layout and chronology of the settlement.

During the excavation in October, three buildings were unearthed, all of which were identified as agricultural rather than residential. The largest building, with additions to the north, contained a heating/firing furnace and other significant findings.

Despite the absence of Celts, the excavation yielded indigenous vessels dating to the turn of the 1st-2nd century, as well as a rare seal intact, indicating a pottery workshop. Fragments of glass bottles and sealed Pannonian ceramics suggested links with Aquincum. The findings strongly suggest the prosperity of the rural settlement during the Roman occupation until the end of the 3rd century.

This discovery adds to the recent string of Roman archaeological finds in Hungary, including the remains of buildings in Buda Castle and a Roman sarcophagus found in Western Hungary. The excavation in Pilisszentiván is a significant addition to our understanding of the Roman presence in the region, shedding light on ancient history and civilization.



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