
Universities Search and Rescue Games Honor Outstanding Athletes at Award Ceremony

The “USARGames 2024 Universities Search and Rescue Games” was recently held under the coordination of the Civil Defense Organization, bringing together young participants from universities across the globe. The event took place on May 5, 2024, at the Civil Defense Organization Camellia, where an award ceremony was held to honor the search and rescue teams that excelled in the competitions.

The prestigious event saw the participation of notable figures such as President of the Assembly of the Republic Zorlu Töre, Former Speaker of the Parliament Hakkı Atun, and Deputy Commander of the Security Forces Brigadier General Kadir Bayraklı, along with university officials.

The winners of the USARGames 2024 Universities Search and Rescue Games were as follows: First place went to Mediterranean Karpaz University, second place to American University of Cyprus, and third place to Eastern Mediterranean University.

During the award ceremony, Civil Defense Organization President Atilla Karaca highlighted the importance of activities conducted in partnership with the International Universities Search and Rescue Council. He emphasized the significance of engaging young individuals in disaster management through events like the “Universities Search and Rescue Games.”

Karaca commended the increasing recognition of the games, which provide students with practical experience in disaster response. He expressed hope for the continued success and growth of such activities in the future, encouraging youth to actively participate in disaster management efforts.

The ceremony also shed light on the significance of supporting young people in enhancing their search and rescue skills, especially in light of recent natural disasters like the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023. Karaca reiterated the organization’s commitment to providing ongoing support to youth involved in disaster management activities.

President of the Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, echoed the sentiments of pride in the Civil Defense Organization’s efforts and stressed the importance of preparedness for potential disasters. He emphasized the need for a well-equipped Civil Defense and pledged support for its development in all aspects.

Töre also addressed the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, calling for global action and condemning the atrocities occurring in the region. He commended the organizers of the University Search and Rescue Games and expressed confidence in the Civil Defense Organization’s ability to host even more successful events in the future.

Overall, the USARGames 2024 Universities Search and Rescue Games served as a platform for promoting disaster management skills among youth and fostering international cooperation in search and rescue efforts. The event highlighted the importance of preparedness, solidarity, and continuous improvement in disaster response initiatives.


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