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Urgent Weather Warning: Snow, Avalanche, and Shower Alert!

The weather forecast for Turkey was announced today and includes rain, icy conditions and avalanche danger in certain areas of the country. According to the General Directorate of Meteorology, rain is expected in the north of Southeastern Anatolia, Edirne, Kırklareli, Isparta, Uşak, and several other locations. Central and eastern parts of the country are expected to experience icing, frost and occasional haze. There is also an avalanche danger in the inner parts of the Eastern Black Sea Region and in the north and east of East Anatolia.

The air temperature will increase throughout the country, and the wind will be light from the south and southwest directions, occasionally achieving medium strength. Strong winds are expected in certain regions as well.

Avalanche alerts have been issued for 14 cities, including Ağrı, Artvin, Bitlis, Erzurum, and others. Additionally, a storm is expected in the Central Aegean region with wind speeds of 50-75 km/h. There has been a warning of an avalanche danger in high altitude areas in the East Anatolia region and in the Eastern Black Sea Region.

The expected weather conditions for various cities are as follows: Ankara will have rain and showers in the southern parts at night, while Istanbul will be cloudy. Izmir will have intermittent showers and occasional thunderstorms, and Adana will experience showers in the morning and around 20 degrees of temperature. Antalya is expecting cloudy weather with intermittent showers, Samsun will have partly cloudy weather, and Erzurum will be mostly cloudy with 5 degrees temperature.

There are also reports of a heroic police officer in Çağlayan and more information on the bonus increase for millions of retirees.



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