
US Scholar Observes Unprecedented Spirit of Cooperation in Central Asia

ASTANA—A spirit of cooperation in Central Asia is at an unprecedented high, according to renowned American scholar Dr. Frederick Starr. In an interview with The Astana Times, Starr, the founding chairman of the Central Asia – Caucasus Institute and the Silk Road Studies Program, shared his insights into the region’s dynamics, the importance of regional cooperation, and Central Asia’s future determined and led by the region’s countries.

“A spirit of cooperation has never been higher. Every Central Asian country is seeking to build a structure of cooperation with its neighbors. They can disagree on some things. You know, just like marriages, you don’t have to agree on everything, but these are things you want to structure,” said Starr, who has a deep understanding of the region’s dynamics.

Starr recently visited Kazakhstan to attend the B5+1 forum in Almaty, a private-sector-led counterpart to the C5+1 diplomatic platform established in 2015 to enhance dialogue between Central Asia and the United States.

During the forum, which brought together business leaders, investors, policymakers, and experts, discussions focused on the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Central Asia. Starr emphasized the need to remove barriers within the region and highlighted the productive dialogue between Central Asians and American officials and investors.

Starr underscored the importance of developing Central Asia’s independent institutions, free from external influence, as the new frontier for the region. He praised Kazakhstan’s efforts in implementing reforms and encouraged closer cooperation among Central Asian countries to attract foreign investment and improve the region’s economic prospects.

The scholar also discussed the potential of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, known as the Middle Corridor, as a vital link to connect Central Asia with global markets more efficiently. He suggested that a southern corridor towards India via Afghanistan could be a game changer for regional trade dynamics, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to realize these opportunities.

Starr advocated for stronger regional cooperation in Central Asia and proposed practical steps, such as establishing a Central Asia Chamber of Commerce, to foster economic integration and cooperation. He expressed optimism about the region’s future, envisioning increased cooperation within Central Asia and with neighboring regions to enhance strategic importance and economic prosperity.

As Central Asia navigates towards a more united and cooperative future, Starr’s insights shed light on the region’s potential for growth and development. The interview with Dr. Frederick Starr was conducted with the support of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), underscoring the importance of collaboration and dialogue in shaping Central Asia’s trajectory towards a more prosperous and integrated future.



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