
Veszprém: The Operetta Capital for Four Days

The 7th Rátonyi Róbert Operetta Festival is set to take place in Veszprém, western Hungary, from June 20 to 23. The festival, hosted by the Petőfi Theater of Veszprém, will kick off with an opening parade featuring operetta hits and circus performers. According to Zsuzsanna Kellerné Egresi, the creative manager of the Petőfi Theater, the festival will offer theater performances and concerts at various locations throughout the city.

The highlight of the festival will be a performance of Imre Kálmán’s “Csardás Princess” (Party queen) directed by Árpád Zsolt Mészáros on the first day. An interesting twist to the performance will be the director’s appearance in a humorous scene and a solo song.

Róbert Rátonyi, one of the greatest stars of Hungarian operetta, will be honored during the festival. Rátonyi’s career breakthrough came with his performance in the popular operetta “Csárdás Princess” in 1954. He spent the last four years of his career in Veszprém and had a vision to stage “Csardás Princess” at the Veszprém theater, which unfortunately could not be fulfilled due to his illness. The Operetta Festival aims to pay tribute to Rátonyi and his contribution to the art of operetta.

The festival will feature performances of Hungarian operetta musicals, including “Mike the Magnate” (Magnás Miska) directed by Pál Oberfrank and the Hungarian comedy “Oh, Bloody Life” (You ragged life) by the Hungarian Theater of New York under the direction of Szilvia Kovács. Additionally, a gala performance by the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra in collaboration with the Budapest Operetta Theater will take place.

As a family-friendly event, the festival will cater to audiences of all ages, with activities for grandparents and children alike. Young children can enjoy a children’s island and an amusement park in the theater garden. The festival will conclude with a grand International Operetta Gala, following last year’s success.

In honor of composers Albert Szirmai and Jenő Huszka, one of the city’s iconic streets will be renamed Szirmai Street, and a courtyard in the city center will bear the name of Jenő Huszka during the festival days.

For more information and the detailed program of the festival, visit Be sure not to miss this spectacular event celebrating the rich tradition of Hungarian operetta in the historic city of Veszprém.


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