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Village of 10 in Nevşehir: Cast Their Votes

Küçükyağlı Village, with Just 10 Voters, Casts Their Ballots in Turkish Elections

The village of Küçükyağlı in Turkey has only 10 registered voters, four of whom are women. Despite its small population, the village still had a voting booth at ballot box number 1046, ready for residents to cast their ballots in the nationwide election on June 24.

According to the village headman, Musa Yağmuroğlu, everyone in the village is eligible to vote, but many young people have moved to cities, leaving behind only the elderly who make their living through farming. The village is located 7 kilometers away from the district and the unused lodging building of the village mosque was used as the village’s voting station.

One of the residents, Hakan Yağmur, was among the first to arrive and cast his vote. He expressed his hope that the elections would be beneficial to the country and the nation, and after voting, stated he would return to his garden to apply pesticides.

Despite its small size and number of voters, the village of Küçükyağlı will still have a say in determining the future of the country as each vote counts towards the overall results of the elections.



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