
White Stork Chicks Boom in Békés County: A Record Year

A new record has been set in Békés County, southeastern Hungary, with 320 pairs of white storks expected to raise 1,102 chicks this year, according to a press release from the Körös-Maros National Park.

Out of the 366 pairs that started breeding in the spring, only 46 pairs failed, making this the second best year in the last 35 years in terms of the number of breeding pairs. Additionally, it is the best year in terms of the number of chicks produced.

The highest number of pairs, 33 in total, was observed in Békéscsaba, with 76 chicks. Conservationists also discovered a nest with six chicks in the Makó region, which is considered exceptional.

In a unique sighting, a pair of storks in Körösladány started nesting in a tree, a behavior not typically seen in Hungary. Unfortunately, they did not lay eggs in the end. The Körös river area, the region around Berettyó, and the Kettős-Körös rivers are identified as popular nesting areas in Békés County.

After a record year in 2014, there was a significant drop in breeding numbers, but since 2020, the numbers have gradually been increasing again.

Factors such as the breeding area, migration route, and wintering area play a crucial role in determining the number of breeding pairs and chicks in a given year. The national park’s website notes that this year, despite a low number of voles, there is a high abundance of locusts, contributing to the successful breeding season.

In previous years, adverse weather conditions during migration routes or an abundance of food in the breeding areas have influenced the stork population. However, this year presents a favorable combination for the white storks in Békés County.

Overall, this year’s stork population in Békés County is thriving, with conservation efforts contributing to the successful breeding season.



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