
“Winds of Change in Cyprus: Insights from EMU Seminar” – BRTK.

A Seminar on the Winds of Change in Cyprus Held in Collaboration with EMU

In a collaborative effort with the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Cyprus Policy Center (KPM) and the Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Political Science and International Relations, a seminar titled “Are Winds of Change Forming in Cyprus?” was recently organized.

The seminar kicked off with an opening speech by Hatice Savoğlu, a doctoral student in the Department of International Relations at EMU and a research assistant at KPM. Asst. Assoc. Dr. Devrim Şahin also took part in the seminar.

Asst. Assoc. Dr. Şahin delved into the roots of the Cyprus problem, attributing its origins to colonial and imperial influences. He further explored how shifts in United States foreign policy have impacted the Cyprus issue and the broader region over time. Noting the historical strategic alliance between Turkey and the USA until the Iraq war, Asst. Assoc. Dr. Şahin highlighted the implications of Turkey’s relationships with various regional powers like America and Russia on the Cyprus conundrum. He emphasized the potential scenarios surrounding the Cyprus issue based on Turkey’s alignments with different actors and underscored the significance of energy-related matters such as hydrocarbons and pipeline projects for regional stakeholders. Asst. Assoc. Dr. Şahin concluded his speech by discussing Turkey’s advocacy for the two-state solution thesis.

The seminar witnessed lively interaction, with Asst. Assoc. Dr. Şahin engaging in a Q&A session moderated by KPM research assistant Hatice Savoğlu.

Overall, the seminar provided valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of the Cyprus issue amidst changing regional and global political landscapes.


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