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Woman Arrested for Housing 309 Animals

A Florida woman was arrested for animal cruelty and neglect after authorities found her home filled with hundreds of animals in deplorable conditions.

Lisa Lacharite, a 48-year-old resident of Frostproof, was discovered to have 164 birds, 142 cats, and three dogs in her home. Upon entering the residence, police officers encountered approximately 75 chickens, peacocks, and ducks locked in cages. Many of the animals appeared weak and sick, with an unbearable smell of ammonia permeating the air.

Fire crews who arrived at the scene measured the ammonia level in the air, which was found to be at lethal levels of 70-100 ppm inside the house. Anything above 50 ppm is considered fatal to animals and humans. Lacharite’s 75-year-old mother was also removed from the home and relocated.

As a result, Lacharite was accused of 5 counts of animal cruelty, 304 counts of animal care neglect, and elderly care neglect. She was subsequently arrested and sent to Polk County Prison.

Lacharite claimed that she rescued cats and loved chickens and birds, but her actions resulted in the mistreatment and endangerment of the animals in her care. The authorities have now taken over the care of the animals and are working to ensure their well-being. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of proper animal care and the consequences of neglecting the welfare of animals.



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