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Woman Attacked by Wolves While Exercising in France

A 36-year-old woman was attacked by wolves while jogging in a safari area reserved for vehicles in Thoiry, France. The incident took place approximately 40 kilometers west of Paris, the capital of France. The woman sustained serious injuries in the attack and was promptly rushed to the hospital with the help of bystanders who heard her screams.

According to reports in the French press, the woman suffered injuries to her neck, back, and one leg during the attack by three wolves. It remains unclear why the woman entered the safari area, which is designated for vehicle access only. A police officer, who chose to remain anonymous, commented, “At this stage, we do not know whether the guest made a mistake or if there is an issue with the signage in the area.”

Thoiry is renowned as one of France’s most popular wildlife parks, where around 800 animals freely roam. Visitors have the opportunity to explore the safari area in their vehicles and observe various animals. The sections housing wolves and bears are safeguarded by electric fences and moats to ensure both visitor and animal safety.

As investigations into the incident continue, authorities aim to determine the circumstances surrounding the woman’s entry into the wildlife area and the subsequent wolf attack.


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