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Young girl in critical condition after school incident

A shocking incident occurred at Halit Fahri Ozansoy Primary School in the Keçiören district yesterday, leaving third-grade student Mira Şahin in critical condition. The young student reportedly fell at school and suffered a brain hemorrhage, resulting in 8 fractures in her skull. Mira was rushed to Etlik City Hospital where she underwent a 10-hour surgery and is currently fighting for her life in the intensive care unit.

Mira’s family has held the school responsible for their daughter’s condition and has filed a complaint. The family alleges that the school failed to promptly call an ambulance after the incident, which may have contributed to the severity of Mira’s injuries. Mira’s grandmother, Miyase Karakaş, expressed her frustration and disbelief at the lack of action taken by the school staff.

The family is determined to seek justice for Mira and will not rest until the truth behind the incident is revealed. The Ministry of National Education has initiated both judicial and administrative investigations into the matter. Police are reviewing security camera footage from the school, and statements will be taken from Mira’s classmates with the guidance of a pedagogue.

The school administration and Mira’s classroom teacher have refrained from commenting on the allegations made by the family, stating that the police investigation is underway. The community awaits further developments in this heartbreaking and concerning case, hoping for a speedy recovery for Mira and accountability for those responsible.



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