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126 Arrested in FETÖ Raid on ‘Parsley Doner’ Chain

The financial structuring of FETÖ has been uncovered in a parsley rotary chain operation, with the number of provinces involved increasing to 32. A total of 372 individuals have been detained in connection with this case.

After police procedures were carried out, the suspects were taken to court. Following this, 126 people were arrested and 156 were released on judicial control. Additionally, 90 suspects were released by the police and prosecutors.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced on February 21 that a major operation, named “Kiskaç-40,” targeting FETÖ in Antalya had led to the arrest of 353 suspects involved in a doner restaurant chain that was providing financing to the organization. Among the arrested individuals were 10 people directly linked to FETÖ.

This operation has shed light on the intricate financial network of FETÖ and has led to significant arrests in the ongoing crackdown against the organization.



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