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4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Manisa – Breaking News

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Manisa’s Soma district

According to the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit Manisa’s Soma district at 01:36 local time. The earthquake occurred at a depth of approximately 10.24 kilometers underground.

The tremor was felt not only in Manisa but also in surrounding provinces, with reports of residents in Izmir feeling the effects as well. Authorities have begun conducting field work to assess the extent of damage and any potential loss of life caused by the earthquake.

Following the main earthquake, there were 4 aftershocks with magnitudes ranging from 1.8 to 3.1. Manisa Governor Enver Ünlü assured the public that there were no immediate negative effects reported from the earthquake. He mentioned that necessary checks are being conducted by response teams in the affected areas.

Residents are urged to stay vigilant and follow any safety precautions issued by local authorities in the aftermath of this seismic event.


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