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67 Detained in Last-Minute Pincer Operation Against FETO in 14 Provinces

Security Minister Yerlikaya Announces Successful Operations Against FETO

In a recent social media post, Security Minister Yerlikaya announced the successful “JIP-7” operations carried out against FETO in 14 provinces, resulting in the capture of 67 suspects. Minister Yerlikaya emphasized that the Turkish government will not tolerate any members of the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETO), and with the prayers and support of the nation, they will continue to combat terrorist organizations and their collaborators.

The operations were coordinated by the General Directorate of Security Intelligence Directorate and the Counter-Terrorism Department, and were executed by the Provincial Police Departments in Antalya, Manisa, Ankara, Aydın, Konya, Artvin, Istanbul, Bilecik, Edirne, Uşak, Isparta, Şanlıurfa, Kırşehir, and Elazığ. Yerlikaya highlighted that the suspects were found to be part of the current structure of the organization, as well as the so-called military and police secret structures. Furthermore, it was discovered that they had received exam questions in advance, used coded language in interviews, and were named in statements and identifications with digital materials. Additionally, many of the suspects had finalized prison sentences and search records against them within the scope of FETO investigations.

Minister Yerlikaya also disclosed that a significant amount of money, digital materials, and organizational documents were seized during the operations. He revealed that since June 1, 2023, a total of 4,022 operations have been conducted, resulting in the arrest of 6,045 suspects.

The Turkish government’s unwavering commitment to combatting terrorist organizations and ensuring the safety and security of its citizens is evident in the success of these recent operations. Minister Yerlikaya’s announcement serves as a testament to the ongoing efforts to dismantle FETO and its affiliates, while sending a clear message that perpetrators will be brought to justice.



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