
Allowing Applicants to Choose Universities after State Exam

New Principle Introduced for Choosing Higher Education Institutions Based on Test Scores

Starting from the academic year 2024/2025, state higher education institutions will implement a new principle for admissions. The principle, known as “exam first, selection next,” allows applicants to choose their preferred higher education institution, educational direction, and form of study based on their test scores.

This significant change aims to create a fair and merit-based system for university admissions. Instead of the traditional approach where applicants choose their desired institution before taking the exam, they will now have the opportunity to make an informed decision based on their test performance.

By implementing this principle, the hope is that it will encourage students to strive for better results in their exams, as their scores will directly influence their chances of being admitted to their preferred institution. This will lead to a more competitive environment, fostering personal growth and academic excellence among students.

Furthermore, the new policy also recognizes the importance of international exam certifications in the admissions process. Certificates of international exams in general education subjects will now be taken into account when considering applicants for admission to state higher education institutions. This acknowledges the value of international qualifications and allows students who have excelled in such exams to have an advantage in the admissions process.

The introduction of this new principle reflects ongoing efforts to improve the transparency and fairness of the higher education admissions system. By placing greater emphasis on exam scores, students will have a clearer understanding of the requirements and criteria for admission. This will ultimately lead to a better alignment between students’ capabilities and the academic programs and institutions they choose.

Overall, the implementation of the “exam first, selection next” principle brings positive changes to the higher education admissions process. By giving applicants the opportunity to choose based on their test scores, it promotes a more meritocratic system and encourages students to strive for academic success. Additionally, the recognition of international exam certifications enhances the inclusivity and diversity of the higher education landscape.


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