
Animal Producers and Breeders Association Issues Vehicle Action Warning – BRTK

Turkish Cypriot Animal Producers and Breeders Association Demands Change in Government Policies

The Turkish Cypriot Animal Producers and Breeders Association recently made a bold statement by laying a black wreath in front of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Prime Ministry. President Mustafa Naimoğulları announced that they have given the government a deadline until Monday to address their demands, or face potential vehicular action in the capital city of Nicosia.

One of the key demands put forward by Naimoğulları is the transparency in the cost of one liter of milk, reduction in input costs, and the abolition of the decision on imported meat. The Union officials symbolically laid a black wreath at the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources to draw attention to their cause.

In his address, Naimoğulları emphasized that the government has not responded adequately to their demands, leading to frustration among the members of the association. He particularly highlighted the issues surrounding imported meat, citing concerns over the quality and impact on local producers.

Furthermore, Naimoğulları pointed out the challenges faced by livestock farmers, including stagnant prices for live animals and increasing production costs. He criticized the lack of support from the government in protecting the rights of producers and ensuring fair compensation for their products.

The Union President emphasized the need for timely intervention from the government to prevent a crisis in the livestock sector. He called for a fair evaluation of the price of raw milk to reflect the changing economic conditions, including the fluctuation in foreign currency rates.

Naimoğulları urged the government to prioritize the concerns of the 50 thousand individuals who earn a living from the animal production sector. He warned that if their demands are not met, the association will take further actions, including possible protests and demonstrations in the coming weeks.

The Turkish Cypriot Animal Producers and Breeders Association’s stance reflects the growing discontent among local producers over government policies affecting the agricultural industry. The outcome of the upcoming deadline set by the association will likely have significant implications for the future of animal production in the region.



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