
Antalya Apprentice Students Praised for Exemplary Behavior – Latest News Today

A 7th grade apprentice student in Turkey sets an exemplary behavior after market owner accidentally leaves shop open

In a heart-warming incident in Antalya, Turkey, a 7th grade apprentice student showed exemplary behavior when he entered a market that was accidentally left open by its owner. Market owner Ömür Erhan Akın, 50, had closed his shop during his lunch break at the Akdeniz Industrial Site but failed to notice that the automatic shutters were not closed.

Yaşar Ümit Sertel, the apprentice student who was doing his apprenticeship at a workplace in the industry over the weekend, entered the open market to buy a cola and a glass. Finding no one inside the shop, Sertel called out to the market owner but received no response. Instead of taking advantage of the situation, the responsible apprentice showed the items he bought to the security camera, calculated the cost, and left his payment on the counter. He even informed the owner of the market about the incident when he returned.

Speaking about the incident, Ömür Erhan Akın expressed his pride in the apprentice’s behavior. He mentioned that he thought he had closed the shutters but realized he hadn’t upon returning to the shop. Akın was impressed by Sertel’s honesty and responsibility, stating that it was a miracle to see such values instilled in young people by their families. He hopes that this incident will set an example for others in the community.

Yaşar Ümit Sertel, the apprentice student, shared his side of the story, mentioning that he knew the prices of the items in the shop and decided to leave the money on the counter after making the purchase. He demonstrated integrity and honesty by showing the items and the money to the security camera before informing the shop owner about the incident.

The heartwarming story of the apprentice student’s exemplary behavior highlights the importance of instilling values of honesty and responsibility in young people. It serves as a reminder that integrity and ethics are values that should be upheld in all aspects of life.



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