
Assembly of the Republic to Discuss Penal Law Amendment Proposal

Law Bill Amendment Proposal Discussed in the Committee

After a thorough discussion of the law bills on the agenda of the Republic, the Penalty (Amendment) proposal has been sent to the committee for further examination.

Yasemi Öztürk, the President of the Law, Political Affairs, Outdoors, and Defense Committee, presented the report on the proposal to the members of parliament.

During the discussion of the law proposal, Independent Nicosia Deputy Hasan Tosunoğlu highlighted the significance of consultation, cooperation, and dialogue processes in shaping laws accurately.

Tosunoğlu emphasized the importance of listening to the voice of all segments of society and stated that the bill is a result of this inclusive approach.

He noted that the proposed law reflects the value placed on nature, human beings, and animals, and highlighted the participatory approach taken during the committee stage, leading to a more favorable outcome.

Tosunoğlu expressed his gratitude to all deputies and parliamentary staff who supported the committee’s work, recognizing the valuable democratic input from citizens.

The proposed amendments in the Penalty (Amendment) Law were unanimously approved by the committee, concluding the second meeting. The third meeting to discuss the proposal further was postponed to the next session as it was deemed non-urgent.

The Assembly of the Republic has concluded its current session and will reconvene tomorrow at 10:00 for the audit task meeting, including speeches from deputies.

The approved amendments demonstrate a strong commitment to animal rights and the importance of fostering healthy debate environments. Tosunoğlu underscored the need for unity and solidarity in society, urging against marginalization.

Overall, the committee’s discussions have led to a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to lawmaking, representing a step towards a more just and equitable society.



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