
Barriers to Education: Profits vs. Public Holidays in Provinces on February 26th

Education has been suspended in several districts of Trabzon due to adverse weather conditions, according to information received.

In the districts of Köprübaşı, Akçaabat, Şalpazarı, Sürmene, Çarşıbaşı, Of, Düzköy, Ortahisar, Maçka, Hayrat, Beşikdüzü, Associationpazarı, Vakfıkebir, and Tonya, all schools will not be conducting classes tomorrow.

In Araklı district, Yeşilyurt, Çankaya, Erenler, Taştepe, Değirmencik, and Yeşilce Primary School/Secondary School, along with all transportation education, has been suspended.

Additionally, in Arsin district, Kuzguncuk Cemal Azmi Bey and Yeşilköy Şehit Haydar Arslan Primary School/Secondary School/Middle School, Yeşilyalı Imam Hatip Secondary School, Işıklı Şehit Fahrettin Sarı Secondary School, Atayurt Primary School/Imam Hatip Secondary School, Yeşilce Special Education Vocational School, and high-speed schools in the center will not be conducting classes.

In the neighborhoods of Karaçam, Taşkıran, and Uzungöl in Çaykara district, as well as in the district center schools, education has been suspended. This also applies to Yomra district’s Çamlıyurt, Maden, Ovilmalı, and Özdil neighborhoods for primary, secondary, and high school education.



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