
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: 30 August enthusiasm was experienced in İskele

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The 101st Anniversary of August 30 Victory Day was celebrated with a ceremony held in Iskele, as in all regions.

The address of the celebrations in Iskele was Iskele Ecevit Square.

The ceremony held in Iskele for the 101st anniversary of 30 August Victory Day started with the laying of wreaths on the Ataturk monument.
Then, a moment of silence was observed and flags were raised accompanied by the national anthem.

After the members of the protocol, the ceremonial units and the public celebrated the holiday, the speech about the meaning and importance of the day was made by Air Defense Lieutenant Tuğay Avcı.

Emphasizing that Ataturk’s principles, based on national sovereignty, national consciousness and full independence, will continue to be the guide of the Turkish Armed Forces in the future as they have been until today, Lieutenant Avcı said that a glorious epic was written 101 years ago on August 30.

The ceremony in Iskele, which continued with poems recited by local school students, ended with a parade.



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