
Batken Veterinary Control Department Employees Destroy 30,000 Eggs

Smuggling Attempt of 30,000 Eggs Prevented in Batken Region

On April 12th, authorities in the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan successfully prevented a smuggling attempt involving 30,000 eggs. The Ministry of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan reported the incident, stating that a Mercedes-Benz pickup truck was detained in the territory of Kadamdzhai district of Ankur-Sai village.

The driver of the truck was found to be transporting the eggs without the appropriate accompanying documents and the products lacked proper labeling. Following veterinary control procedures, it was determined that the cargo was in violation of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Veterinary” and the regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union.

As a result, the confiscated cargo of 30,000 eggs was destroyed in accordance with the law. This successful prevention of smuggling highlights the vigilance of authorities in cracking down on illegal activities and ensuring compliance with regulations in the region.



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