
Bayraktar: Nurturing a Generation of Morality, Justice, and High-Tech Innovation

Selçuk Bayraktar, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Turkey Technology Team, recently spoke with BRT, TRT, and Anadolu Agency to discuss the significance of technology development and the values ​​of ancient civilization in shaping future generations.

In his interviews, Bayraktar emphasized the importance of technology in driving global power and expressed his desire to mold a generation that embodies the virtues of morality, justice, and compassion while also excelling in high technology.

Reflecting on the sacrifices made to protect the land, Bayraktar stated, “These lands were saved from atrocities and occupation at a great price. By sacrificing many martyrs, we are able to open such a center here today.” His vision is to cultivate a generation that upholds the moral values of ancient civilization while making advancements in technology.

Highlighting the impact of Teknofest, Bayraktar described the festival as a means to combat learned helplessness. He also revealed plans to expand Teknofest to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in the near future.

Further, Bayraktar took pride in the nationalization of the defense industry and the global recognition of the Siha, Bayraktar TB 2 unmanned aerial vehicle. He emphasized the transformative power of the defense industry and the impressive growth of Teknofest, likening it to a massive tsunami that breaks records.

In essence, Bayraktar’s message underscores the fusion of ancient values and modern technology as key elements in shaping the future and disrupting the status quo.



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