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Biden to Veto Bill for Quick Arms Shipments to Israel

The White House has responded to the proposed “Israel Security Assistance Support Act” bill submitted by the Republican Party, stating that President Biden will veto the bill if it is passed by Congress. The administration expressed concern that the bill could hinder the President’s ability to conduct effective foreign policy and may infringe on his constitutional powers as commander in chief.

In a written statement, the White House reiterated the United States’ unwavering support for Israel and emphasized the importance of maintaining strong ties with the country. The statement highlighted that the bill could raise serious concerns about the violation of the President’s powers under the Second Article of the Constitution.

The bill, introduced by Republican House of Representatives Member Ken Calvert, aims to expedite the delivery of weapons to Israel in the event of a comprehensive land attack on Rafah. President Biden’s recent comments about withholding weapons in such a scenario have sparked debate in Congress.

The “Israel Security Assistance Support Act” is set to be discussed in the House of Representatives, where its fate will be determined. President Biden’s stance on the bill reflects the administration’s commitment to upholding its support for Israel while ensuring the President’s constitutional authority is upheld.



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