
Bishkek Schools and Kindergartens Set to Resume Offline Classes on February 7

All Schools and Kindergartens in Bishkek to Resume Offline Classes

After a brief period of online classes due to a breakdown at the heating and power plant, all schools and kindergartens in Bishkek are set to resume offline classes from February 7th. The decision to switch back to in-person learning was announced by the media headquarters in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Following the breakdown at the heating and power plant on February 2nd, all municipal educational organizations in the capital had shifted to online classes until further notice, as per the order from the Education Department of the City Hall. However, the Ministry of Education and Science also stated that educational institutions have the autonomy to cancel online classes if the room temperature inside the facilities is above +18 degrees Celsius.

The breakdown at the Bishkek heating and power plant resulted in an explosion that left five people injured, with three of them requiring hospitalization. The exact causes of the explosion are still unknown. While the supply of heat and hot water in Bishkek has been partially restored since the incident, the switch to online classes was made to ensure the safety of students and staff.

As the situation continues to develop, it is expected that all educational institutions will take necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff as they return to offline classes.



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