
Breaking News: Corruption and Terror Investigation at Istanbul Great City Municipality: Decisions Revealed at Caglayan

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) has been embroiled in a “terror” investigation, with the involvement of the IMM President Ekrem Imamoglu and several other suspects. The Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office has reached four suspects, including Imamoglu, IMM Deputy Secretary General Mahir Polat, and Şişli Mayor Resul Emrah Şahan, while the investigation into seven suspects, including these individuals, continues.

The “City Reconciliation” initiative, which was examined by municipal councilors and deputy mayors in Istanbul, has revealed concerning findings. It was determined that individuals who were involved in the initiative had connections to a terrorist organization and registered with the CHP party just days before the local elections in 2024.

Further investigations into the involvement of these individuals with the terrorist organization PKK/KCK have resulted in arrests of several municipal council members and deputy mayors. The suspects are accused of being members of the HDK, a facade structure for the PKK/KCK terrorist organization.

The article highlights the role of HDK members in increasing the influence of the terrorist organization in metropolitan municipalities. Suspects are believed to have followed the instructions of senior organization executives to bring critical positions within these municipalities.

Additionally, the suspects have been found to have ties with Azad Barış, a key figure in the PKK/KCK terrorist organization. Materials seized from Barış’s workplace reveal plans to increase the organization’s activities within municipalities.

The suspects, including Ekrem İmamoğlu, Ahmet Özer, Mahir Polat, Resul Emrah Şahan, and Murat Ongun, are also linked to organizational activities aiding the armed terrorist organization. A document found at Barış’s workplace urges people to vote for İmamoğlu to win in Istanbul.

The article also delves into the suspects’ communication with individuals involved in terrorism activities and the potential charges they may face for aiding the terrorist organization. The suspects are currently under investigation, with the prosecutor’s office referring the case to the Istanbul Criminal Judiciary for further action.



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