
Cabinet Chairman Reveals Details of Truck Accident in Min-Kush

On June 1, a truck carrying what was believed to be radioactive waste was involved in an accident in Min-Kush village, Dzhumgal district, Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. However, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Akylbek Japarov, clarified at a meeting of Parliament that the truck was actually transporting recycled waste, not uranium as previously reported.

Japarov explained that the truck was sealed for transportation and it was the driver’s fault for changing speed while driving uphill, leading to the accident. He reassured the public that there is no immediate danger to the residents or farmers in the area, as the commission is currently working on analyzing samples taken from the site.

Despite concerns about radiation, Japarov pointed out that the background radiation levels in Min-Kush are actually lower than in the Parliament itself. He emphasized that the government is taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the people in the region.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper handling and transportation of hazardous materials, and the need for transparency and accountability in such situations. As the investigation continues, authorities will provide updates on the situation to keep the public informed and address any potential risks.


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