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Call for Investigation into Mass Graves in Gaza by UN

The UN Calls for Investigation of Mass Graves in Gaza

Following reports of mass graves being discovered in Gaza, the United Nations has expressed deep concern and has called for a thorough and independent investigation into the matter.

The news of mass graves being found in Gaza has sent shockwaves through the international community. The UN has stated that it is essential to determine the circumstances surrounding these graves and to ensure that justice is served for those affected.

It is imperative that a comprehensive investigation is conducted in the areas where the graves have been located. The UN has emphasized the importance of holding those responsible for these atrocities accountable and ensuring that such grave violations of human rights do not go unpunished.

As the world watches with growing concern, the UN is committed to working with local authorities and international bodies to uncover the truth behind these mass graves and to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice.



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