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Camera Captures Sarıyer Accident: Vehicle Overturned

A traffic accident occurred yesterday morning on İstinye Sarıyer Street, leaving one driver injured. The driver, identified as Efe Ç., was driving a car with the license plate 67 DR 437 when he lost control on the slippery road due to the rain. The car collided with another vehicle coming from the opposite direction and overturned.

Authorities were alerted to the scene and quickly responded. Police and medical teams arrived at the site to assist. Traffic teams restricted the road to one lane and implemented safety measures, while medical personnel provided first aid to Efe Ç. before transporting him to a nearby private hospital for further treatment.

The condition of the injured driver remains unclear, as his injuries were reported to be life-threatening. Following the removal of the vehicles involved in the accident, the road was reopened to traffic. An investigation into the cause of the accident has been initiated by authorities.

Video footage of the incident captured the moment when Efe Ç.’s car veered across the median strip into oncoming traffic, resulting in the collision and subsequent rollover. The footage will likely aid in determining the circumstances that led to the accident.

Drivers are reminded to exercise caution when driving in adverse weather conditions, such as rain, to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. Stay tuned for updates on the investigation into this incident.



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