
Central Asia Facing Growing Impact of Climate Change

Delegations Discuss Sustainable Water and Land Management at Central Asian Climate Change Conference

On May 27, 2024, in Bishkek, the news agency reported on the discussions held at the Central Asian Climate Change Conference (CACCC) in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Delegations from Central Asian countries and international experts came together to address pressing issues of sustainable water and land management, energy, food security, and environmental sustainability in the face of climate change.

The conference highlighted the increasing impact of climate change in the Central Asian region, including water scarcity, land degradation, and natural disasters. The CACCC has become an annual platform for dialogue, emphasizing the benefits of regional cooperation in addressing climate change and transboundary climate risks.

With over 400 representatives from relevant ministries, international organizations, civil society, academia, business, and media in attendance, the conference focused on assessing progress, challenges, and gaps in the implementation of climate commitments by Central Asian countries. Discussions also revolved around achieving carbon neutrality, promoting green transition, and addressing security issues related to climate change.

Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), highlighted the vulnerability of Central Asia to the adverse impacts of a rapidly changing climate. He emphasized the need for improved regional partnerships in energy and water management, as well as climate change adaptation strategies.

The conference aimed to strengthen cooperation and enhance the region’s resilience to climate change, recognizing the importance of collaboration in tackling the challenges posed by a changing climate. Through collective action and shared knowledge, Central Asian countries hope to mitigate the effects of climate change and build a sustainable future for the region.


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