
Central Asian Nations Join Forces for Kambarata-1 Hydropower Project

Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan are gearing up to finalize a significant agreement regarding the construction and operation of the Kambarata-1 HPP project. The three countries plan to establish a joint-stock company for this purpose, as reported by Knews.

According to the terms laid out in the draft of the tripartite intergovernmental agreement, the Kyrgyz side will hold a 34% share in the project and authorized capital, while the Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan sides will each have a 33% stake. The agreement, published on the “Open Regulatory Legal Documents” site of Kazakhstan, emphasizes the guaranteed purchase of all electricity generated by Kambarata-1 HPP by specified organizations from the parties involved.

Upon completion of the project, the Kyrgyz side will fully own the shares and assets of Kambarata-1 HPP. In January 2023, the heads of the energy agencies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan signed a roadmap for the construction of the hydroelectric power plant on the Naryn River.

The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan envisions Kambarata-1 HPP as the largest power station in Kyrgyzstan, supplying electricity to Central Asian countries and contributing to water resource stability in the region. President Sadyr Japarov has estimated the construction cost of Kambarata-1 HPP to be between 5-6 billion dollars.

The collaboration between Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan on the Kambarata-1 HPP project marks a significant step towards regional energy cooperation and sustainable development in Central Asia.


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