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China Sets Record for Longest Distance Quantum Communication

Chinese Researchers Achieve Breakthrough in Quantum Communication

Researchers from the Chinese University of Technology and Science have made a significant advancement in the field of quantum communication. According to the Xinhua agency, their results, published in Nature magazine, reveal that the Jinan-1 technology test satellite successfully conducted real-time quantum key distribution (QKD) between ground stations in South Africa.

By transferring encrypted signals over a distance of 12,900 kilometers, this experiment marks the longest distance for secure quantum communication in the world. The success of this test satellite demonstrates the potential for secure global quantum communication.

This achievement builds upon the researchers’ previous record-breaking accomplishment in 2022, when they performed quantum key distribution over an 833-kilometer fiber optic cable. The continuous progress in this field showcases the commitment of Chinese scientists to advancing quantum communication technologies.

With quantum communication offering unparalleled security measures, these developments carry significant implications for the future of secure information exchange on a global scale. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of quantum communication, we can anticipate even more groundbreaking advancements in the near future.



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