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Concerns Mount as Hazar Sea Water Level Drops 2 Meters

The Caspian Sea, also known as the world’s largest “closed lake,” is shared by five countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Iran. With a size of approximately 370 thousand square kilometers, the Caspian Sea was once part of the ancient ocean known as “Paratetis” six million years ago. Today, it remains a “secret” sea that is not fully explored.

One of the key features of the Caspian Sea is its rich oil deposits, making it strategically important for countries that rely on oil imports. With an estimated total oil reserve of 48 billion barrels, the Caspian Sea is often referred to as the “sea of energy” in the international arena. However, concerns have been raised about the ecological state of the sea, particularly regarding the decreasing water levels.

From 2005 to 2023, the water level of the Caspian Sea dropped by 2 meters, resulting in a loss of 31 thousand square kilometers of water area. Experts predict that by 2100, the water level could fall by up to 18 meters. This decline in water levels is impacting the ecosystems and wildlife of the sea, with species like the Caspian seal and myrtle fish facing significant declines in population.

Environmental activists and organizations, such as the “Save The Caspian Sea” movement, are calling for action to address these issues. They are advocating for measures to ensure dialogue between the involved parties and prevent the Caspian Sea from meeting the same fate as the Aral Lake. Efforts are being made to raise awareness of the key problems facing the Caspian Sea on both regional and international levels.

In order to mitigate the impacts of declining water levels, experts suggest stopping the construction of dams on the rivers that feed into the Caspian Sea. This would allow more water to flow into the sea and help sustain its ecosystem. Additionally, steps are being taken to monitor and address the pollution caused by oil production in the region.

As concerns grow over the future of the Caspian Sea, it is imperative for countries bordering the sea to work together to protect this valuable resource. By taking proactive measures to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability, the Caspian Sea can continue to thrive for future generations.



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