
Cultural Heritage Site in Kashkadarya Damaged by Electricians, Worth 93 Million Soums

Cultural Heritage Site in Uzbekistan Damaged During Excavations for Transformer Installation

The archaeological site of “Chillamazortepa” in the Yakkabog district of Kashkadarya region, Uzbekistan, has been damaged during excavations conducted by executives of the local electricity supply company. The site, which is considered a cultural heritage object and is under state protection, was illegally excavated for the purpose of installing a transformer point.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has reported that the excavations caused significant damage to the archaeological site, dating back to the VI-XII centuries. Approximately 3.75 cubic meters of the monument were excavated without proper authorization, resulting in an estimated damage worth 93 million soums to the cultural heritage object.

Authorities have initiated a criminal case against the officials of the electricity supply company in Yakkabog district following this incident. A preliminary investigation is currently underway to determine the extent of the damage and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

The excavation and subsequent damage at Chillamazortepa have raised concerns among conservationists and archaeologists about the protection of cultural heritage sites in Uzbekistan. It highlights the need for stricter regulations and better enforcement to safeguard and preserve these important historical sites for future generations.

The incident serves as a reminder that cultural heritage sites play a vital role in preserving a country’s history and identity. It is crucial for all stakeholders, including government agencies, private companies, and individuals, to prioritize the protection and conservation of these invaluable treasures. Efforts should be made to promote awareness and educate the public about the significance of cultural heritage, as well as the legal implications of damaging or illegally excavating such sites.

Uzbekistan, with its rich history and diverse cultural heritage, should work towards creating a robust framework for the protection and preservation of its archaeological sites. This incident should serve as a catalyst for strengthening laws and regulations, implementing stricter penalties for those who violate them, and promoting a greater sense of responsibility towards safeguarding the nation’s cultural heritage.

It is hoped that the current investigation and subsequent legal proceedings will send a strong message that the damage to cultural heritage sites will not be tolerated, and that those responsible will face appropriate consequences. By working together, Uzbekistan can ensure the long-term preservation and appreciation of its rich cultural legacy.



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