
Demirhan Intersection Infrastructure Project Initiated by BRTK

Infrastructure work on the intersection in Demirhan has officially begun. According to information from the Municipality of Değirmenlik, the dynamic (intelligent) signalized intersection project started this morning in Demirhan Village.

The infrastructure works are being carried out under the supervision of Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arıklı, Değirmenlik Akıncılar Municipality Mayor Ali Karavezirler, Highways Department Director Kazım Kafaoğlu, Traffic Department Director Ahmet Aydın, and other relevant officials who visited the site.

The location of the intersection is on the Nicosia-Gazimagusa Demirhan and Famagusta-Lefkoşa highway, specifically at the Balıkesir junction. The purpose of this project is to alleviate the traffic congestion in this area.

A protocol has been signed between the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation and Değirmenlik Akıncılar Municipality for the construction of this dynamic (intelligent) signaling intersection. The project aims to establish a dynamic intersection control system based on the vehicle density at the intersection within the boundaries of Akincilar Municipality.

Overall, the goal of this project is to effectively manage traffic flow and improve road safety in the region.Residents and commuters can look forward to a smoother and more efficient transportation experience once this project is completed.



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