
Discovery of Burned Corpse in Abandoned House Causes Panic

A burnt body was found in a house in the village of Karatepe, located in the district of Alaca. The incident took place in the evening, when Aza Irfan Bahadir, who lives alone in the village, went to Kazim Gungor’s house to have a meal. Upon his arrival, Bahadir discovered that the house had been burned down, and unfortunately, he found a burnt body inside.

The local authorities were immediately alerted, and the gendarmerie, health, and fire brigade teams were dispatched to the scene. Following an examination, the body was sent to the Ankara Group Presidency for identification purposes. The investigation into this tragic event is still ongoing.

This horrifying incident sheds light on the importance of safety and security measures in our communities. It serves as a reminder to always remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the victim during this difficult time.



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