
Discussion of Amending the Law on United Road and Traffic Crimes Without Penalty Score at General Assembly.

The General Assembly of the Republican Assembly recently gathered at 14.00 to discuss important legislative matters. One of the key topics on the agenda was the repeal of the Port Workers (Service Regulation) Law, which was requested to be taken to the committee for further examination.

During the assembly, Public Works and Transport Minister Erhan Arıklı addressed the issue of port workers, highlighting the need for a solution after 2 years of deliberation. It was revealed that the company in question had decided to liquidate itself, and authorized individuals were appointed by the ministry to handle the matter.

Arıklı also mentioned the preparation of 3 new laws for discussion in the Assembly, aiming to address various pressing issues. Additionally, it was unanimously agreed to postpone meetings scheduled for March 17-18 due to an upcoming gathering in Geneva.

There was also a unanimous acceptance of the Advisory Board’s proposal to establish a special committee to review the request to lift the legislative immunity of UBP Pier Deputy Emrah Yeşilırmak. Furthermore, a proposal for an Amendment Law relating to the organization of the Republican Assembly was put forward for accelerated consideration.

During the discussions, CTP Deputy Erkut Şahali emphasized the importance of enhancing the efficiency of Parliament’s work and working in accordance with internal regulations. However, Şahali also raised concerns about certain laws that may not be in the best interest of the country.

UBP Deputy Sunat Atun countered Şahali’s views, advocating for the development of new visions and capacities for the new Parliament. Following his speech, a motion for urgency was passed by the majority of votes, indicating support for Atun’s vision.

Other important issues discussed during the General Assembly included measures to address road and traffic offenses, with CTP deputy Ongun Talat highlighting various proposed changes. These included penalties for using phones while driving, regulations for alcoholic driving, and consequences for careless driving.

Overall, the General Assembly’s discussions shed light on a range of legislative matters and highlighted the importance of addressing key issues facing the nation. The commitment to finding solutions and enacting necessary laws was evident throughout the session.



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