
Discussion on Draft Law for Nursing Homes and Elderly Care at Presidency Meeting

President Ersin Tatar Chairs Meeting on Draft Law for Elderly Care Homes

President Ersin Tatar recently chaired a meeting regarding the draft law concerning elderly care homes in the country and received updates on the renovation of the Borderless People’s Foundation Elderly Care Home.

The meeting, held at the Presidency, included officials from public institutions and civil society representatives who have been involved in the work. They informed President Ersin Tatar about the progress of the initiatives.

Among the attendees were Iskele District Governor Ertuğrul Toroslu, Foundations Administration General Manager Mustafa Tümer, Social Services Department Director Alev Ecevit, Ministry of Health representative Güley B. Abatay, İskele Municipality representatives, Turkish Cypriot Contractors Association President Cafer Gürcafer, and Elderly Rights and Mental Health Association President Prof. Dr. Hatice Jenkins. Vice president Semra Erel, Presidential Local Governments Advisor İlker Edip, Presidential Social Services, Social Policies Advisor Aydan Başkurt, and Special Advisor to the President Gökhan Güler also attended the meeting.

President Tatar and the attendees discussed the latest developments and future plans regarding the draft law for elderly care homes, as well as the ongoing renovation of the Borderless People’s Foundation Elderly Care Home.

The meeting provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to exchange ideas and collaborate on improving the quality of elderly care in the country. President Tatar reaffirmed the government’s commitment to ensuring the well-being and dignity of the elderly population in the community.



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