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Effective Showers and Hail in Uşak and Nevşehir

Severe weather conditions have caused chaos in various parts of Turkey, leaving vehicles stranded and people in need of rescue.

In the city center, heavy downpour led to the formation of puddles, resulting in some vehicles getting stuck on the roads. In Uşak, the Uşak – Izmir highway had to be temporarily closed to traffic due to the heavy rain.

Near the bus terminal junction, many vehicles found themselves trapped in the water, with one person and his two children needing to be rescued with the assistance of fellow citizens. Unfortunately, near the Martyr Mehmet Çetin Köprülü Junction, a truck collided with a car that had stopped due to the puddles on the road, injuring two individuals.

The Uşak Municipality fire brigades stepped in to evacuate water from homes and workplaces, while some citizens took matters into their own hands by attempting to clear blocked drains.

In Nevsehir, the situation was no better as floods and floods caused by hailstorms wreaked havoc in the city center and rural areas. The Derinkuyu district was hit particularly hard, with fruit trees in Yazıhüyük town and surrounding villages suffering damage, and wheat and potato fields turning into puddles.

Farmers in the affected areas have been working tirelessly to drain the water from their agricultural lands using their own resources.

The images captured during these unfortunate events serve as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of weather and the importance of staying prepared for such emergencies. Let us hope for a swift recovery for those affected by these natural disasters.



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