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Employee Files Criminal Complaint Against Manager for Mobbing and Coercion.

Employee Allegedly Forced to Resign by Manager in Turkey

A cashier in a leather store at a shopping center in Afyonkarahisar, Turkey has filed a criminal complaint alleging that her manager had been pressuring her to resign. Melek Can Yurdalan began working in the store about six months ago after completing her university education. However, after the former store manager retired, the new manager, identified as F.Ö., allegedly began mobbing and forcing Yurdalan to quit her job. The incident that led to her resignation happened on April 10, when Yurdalan discovered that her manager had crumpled an expense note and thrown it away. After reporting the incident, several forms of alleged harassment ensued, culminating in the store manager forcing Yurdalan to write her resignation while customers were present. Yurdalan refused to write the letter, so the manager insulted her and allegedly grabbed her by the chin. The incident was witnessed by others in the mall.

Yurdalan stated that F.Ö. did not allow her to meet her basic needs during the process and that she is currently unemployed. Her lawyer, Feyzullah Çetin, said that they have filed a criminal complaint and will be pursuing legal action for his client’s allegations. The store manager has yet to comment on the allegations.



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