
Enforcing Garbage Disposal Rules: Identifying Violators with Video Cameras

Bishkek Municipal Enterprise Steps Up Measures to Combat Unauthorized Waste Disposal

Bishkek – 11:20, 12 July 2024 – Tazalyk municipal enterprise is intensifying efforts to combat unauthorized waste disposal in the city.

According to the press service of the Bishkek City Hall, Tazalyk has started installing video surveillance cameras at spontaneous landfills to identify individuals who are illegally dumping waste in unauthorized locations or discarding construction, sewing, and other types of waste.

The footage obtained from these cameras will be forwarded to the municipal inspectorate, where fines will be imposed on offenders in accordance with Article 115 of the Code of Offenses.

The municipality is urging citizens to adhere to the established rules and take responsibility for maintaining cleanliness and order in the city.

This initiative aims to promote a cleaner and healthier environment in Bishkek, while also discouraging illegal waste disposal practices.



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